An old method where computers were ( 'excuse me what is a computer ?' , ' Computer ?? what the....) ; one way to alleviate anger is to count from 1 to 10. In present time where computers ( 'excuse me computer..ehh..err ?', ' hey how dare you call my wife by name, you can call her Mrs.Open source' , ' What the...' ) ; one way to alleviate anger is to open a notepad from start menu ( go to hell all those bulb, blinkass open source Blahnux guys ) a type from 1 to 10.

Yea... I was getting somewhere excel and all u have to type is 1...drag...and presto u can go upto 100/1000 without a not sure it will do wonders as anger therapy though...
great one more idea
I loved it :)
buy a rifle
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